Alketa/ HARP Fokus

HARP Workshop.pngEnglish below/ 8 Dhjetor, e shtunë, 10:30- 12:30, Alketa Ramaj në HARP Fokus tek DITArt, femijet e mirpritur, për të bashkëbiseduar mbi marrdhenien qytetar- artist – objekt ku artisti eshte si katalizator per te krijuar nje qasje midis qytetarve dhe hapsirave publike mbi rendesine vizuale te nje objekti ne hapsire. Ketu kemi parasysh ‘Hapsirat kuti’ ku jeta e shoqerise se sotme eshte e kushtezuar brenda nje dhome, brenda televizorit, kompiuterit, telefonit etj. Te gjitha keto vizualisht kane forme e nje katrori, pra te jetuarit brenda kornizave. Ne keto kushte lind nevoja per te dal jasht ketij katrori per te krijuar qasje te reja. Gjithashu do prezantohen dhe shembuj te artisteve bashkohor qe kane ndikuar ne shoqeri me punet e tyre ne hapsira publike. Per me shume mbi Alketen

Dec.08, saturday, 10:30-12:30, Alketa Ramaj in HARP Fokus at DITArt, children are welcome, to discuss about the relationship people- artist- object where the artist is the catalyst to create a relationship between people and public spaces on the visual importance of an image in public space. Here we take into consideration “Space boxes” where the life of the society nowadays is condition in a room, in front of TV, computers, phones, etc. All these visually have the shape of a square, thus living in frames. In these situations there is a need to get out of the square frame for new approaches. Also, there will be examples from contemporary artists than have impacted the society with their artworks in public spaces. For more about Alketa